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State League Convention - a Success!

K Siracusa | Published on 6/8/2023

biennial delegates LWV-VA convention 2023

Members from the League of Women Voters of Williamsburg attended the League of Women Voters of Virginia Convention, June 3-4 in beautiful Williamsburg at William & Mary's Sadler Center.

Attending were 88 delegates from all over Virginia, as well as the state League Board.

LWV-WA was proud to have 15 voting delegates plus other Williamsburg League members attending.

We had wonderful speakers, breakout sessions, and more!

Important League business was conducted, and new members of the State board elected. We adopted new State League positions on Child Care, Education Equity, Environmental Justice, and  Money in Politics.

These breakout sessions were compelling:

Affordable Housing: Credit equity and its impact on racial disparities in homeownership: Is there a fix? – presenters Thomas Fitzpatrick and Brenda Hicks; both from Housing Opportunities Made Equal of Virginia, Inc. (HOME)

Behavioral Health and Criminal Justice: The Devasting Effects of Solitary Confinement – presenter King Salim Khalfani, Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy

Domestic Violence: Societal Stigma, Child Abuse, and How to Help Your Community – presenters Elijah Lee, Juanita Graham

Furthering Environmental Justice in Virginia – presenter, Dr. Mary Finley-Brook

Preserving the Oral Histories of Your League - League of Women Voters of Arlington and Alexandria City

Special tour of the William and Mary Hearth, the memorial to the enslaved people of William and Mary and a presentation on the Lemon Project by Dr. Sarah Thomas, Associate Director of the Lemon Project

Voting and Elections: Ranked Choice Voting - Local Advocacy for Election Reform  - presenters  Chris DeRosa  and Jane Newell

The food was excellent, the weather great, the camaraderie and energy compelling.

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