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HomeWe Help Voters

We Help Voters


Americans Voting

A prime mission of the League of Women Voters is to empower citizens to vote. We run voter registration drives, promote voting rights, and share voting resources.

There are important safeguards around voting - registration rules, voter identification requirements, early voting procedures, various rules for voting by email and voting in person.

We are here to help you navigate the voting system. We strive to make real for all citizens, of all backgrounds and orientations, the same robust voting rights as were granted to women in the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (1920):

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or
abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.
Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Voter Services

Voter Services Team

Our Voter Services team is very active. In a typical year, the team has voter information and registration tables at many community events:
  • National Voter Registration Day - working with libraries, William & Mary fraternities and sororities, to promote voter registration
  • Offer voter Information tables at naturalization ceremonies
  • Partner with community groups to celebrate Juneteenth and offer voter information during the events
  • Partner with William & Mary's Voter Engagement Committee
  • Participate in James City County National Night Out with voter information and registration materials
  • Set up voter information tables at local colleges during National Disability Voter Registration Week
  • And more!

Voter Registration Training

There are two requirements for helping register voters with the League:

  1. You must be a member of our local League
  2. You must take the Virginia state third party registration training. All members of our Voting Services team take this training annually.
TRAININGIt’s easy, thorough, and can be done from home on your computer. Go to, complete the online training course and sign the online Third Party Voter Registration Drive Sworn Affidavit and Application Request. Virginia Dept. of Elections will send you an email confirming your certification with our League of Women Voters-Williamsburg Area as your sponsoring organization.
Contact Us for help with this process. Be sure to let us know when  you receive your certification!


Forums & Civics

Candidate Forums

We invite candidates for public office to present their positions at public forums. We advertise upcoming forums in local news outlets, our newsletter, and on this website.

Civics Education

Check out our own Civics 101 Seminar!

We also promote these ready-to-use materials and resources for classrooms, home study, and self-enrichment:
Did You Know?
Whats on the ballot
Update voter info
Vote when in college
Challenged at the polls
Local voter facts
all about voting
Voting when overseas
Poll worker
Right to vote restoration
Voter id
Voter accomodations
who represents you
Follow Us

Serving Williamsburg, James City County, York County

LWV of Williamsburg Area

P O Box 1086

Williamsburg, VA 23187-1086
[501(c)(4) organization]